The ICMH-SG started in 2011 as a small network of researchers from undeveloped and developing world regions. Since then, the ICMH-SG has made significant contributions to cross-cultural child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) research. It aspires to future improvements in CAMH practice and excellent cross-cultural CAMH research based on multisite projects that include different world…
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among trauma-exposed adolescents from low- and middle-income countries
This recent study by the ICMH – SG (Stupar et al., 2021) assessed the types of traumatic events experienced and the presence and predictors of PTSD symptoms in adolescents from ten low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) exposed to traumatic events in the preceding year. Adolescents (12-18 yrs old) were recruited in Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Indonesia,…
External locus-of-control partially mediates the association between cumulative trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress
Led by Dr. Atilola, we found three essential findings in a recent study of the ICMH-SG across ten countries: – exposure to different minor stressful and significant traumatic events is widespread among adolescents, – there is a direct relationship between a cumulative number of traumatic exposures and severity of PTSD symptoms, especially in girls and…
Daily Internet use time could assist in the screening of problematic Internet use
Our recent study has shown that the Internet use time of 190 mins/day or more, the total physical weekly activity of 60 mins or less, and the sleeping of 6 hours or less per day could be parameters for use to screen university students for problematic Internet use (PIU). Therefore, assessment of daily internet use…
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Assessing the symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder among college/university students
Looking for a scale to measure symptoms of Gaming disorder (GD) in college/university students (i.e., the ICMH-IGD scale), our study demonstrated three essential things: nine item-symptoms representing a single factor of the Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) according to the DSM-5 is possible to measure, the ICMH-IGD scale is measuring IGD/GD invariantly in both genders, and…
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Correlates of Problematic Internet Use among college and university students in eight countries
This study led by Yatan showed that the overall prevalence of PIU is about 8.4% in college/university students and that depressive and anxiety symptoms were the most stable and most robust factors associated with PIU. Internet use has increased exponentially over the past two decades, with no up-to-date cross-country comparison of Problematic Internet Use (PIU)…
Locus of control, negative live events, and psychopathological symptoms in collectivist adolescents
Paulo led a study showing that external LoC is linked to more psychological symptoms. The study examined the moderating and mediating effects of LoC on the relationship between adverse events and psychopathological symptoms (anxiety and depressive symptoms) in adolescents from collectivist countries (n = 2800). Consistent with prior research, negative life events and external LoC were associated…
UCLA PTSD reaction index for DSM-5 (PTSD-RI-5): a psychometric study of adolescents sampled from communities in eleven countries
Background: Children and adolescents are often exposed to traumatic events, which may lead to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is therefore important for clinicians to screen for potential symptoms that can be signs of PTSD onset. PTSD in youth is a worldwide problem, thus congruent screening tools in various languages are needed….